For mamas looking to get in shape this year, have we got a treat for you! With our new series Workout of the Week, please welcome super-fit mamas Vanessa and Amanda from Momentum Bootcamps to take you through a series of easy exercises you can do anytime, anywhere with nothing more than your own sweat and bodyweight. Let’s get moving!
Tabata is a high intensity workout that’s perfect for anyone who wants to get the most bang for their buck in training, in the least amount of time.
The Tabata protocol is a system of short, high-intensity intervals that will have you burning a truckload of calories (both during and after your workout) while also improving your aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels.
As a weight loss tactic, Tabata is a brilliant tool! We like to throw in a good Tabata as a finisher to our Momentum Bootcamps sessions, so our clients leave nothing in the tank. It’s super tough (that’s how you get the results you’re after) and not ideal for beginners or clients returning from injury.
What you need:
- A stopwatch, or you can download the free app SECONDS on your smart phone, click onto their Tabata timer and you’ll be ready to go
- A yoga mat or towel
- A full water bottle
Get Started:
1. Warm up properly with dynamic exercises (butt kicks, jumping jacks, walking lunges) as opposed to static stretches. Set your timer and be prepared to sweat!
2. Aim for 20 seconds of high intensity movement followed by 10 seconds of complete rest.
3. Repeat these four exercises back-to-back for four minutes total:
4. Rest for 1 minute between rounds.
5. Complete 3 rounds: 12 minutes of this Tabata training and you’ll definitely feel the effects!