First Day Back To School Made Easy
Late nights, chocolate for breakfast, entire days spent wearing pyjamas and back-to-back movies (and that’s just us, never mind the kids!), getting back into a routine after the holiday break is going to take some serious effort! Whether your kids have already started back at school or whether the big first day at school looms, you can help them readjust with a few simple tips that’ll make the school routine that much easier.
Click through the gallery for 5 tips to help make back to school less scary!
The elusive ‘S’ word – it’s not always easy to get your recommended 8 hours of shuteye each night, mamas – but if you at least go to bed at a decent time (it’s the hours before midnight that count!) then you’re guaranteed to feel better the following morning. And as for the kids, start cutting back on screen time and make sure that it’s ‘lights out’ early so that they’re well rested and more likely not to meltdown in the mornings!
It’s true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – so get your kids fueled up on healthy options that’ll keep hunger at bay and their energy levels up for school.
Read more: 8 Healthy Breakfasts for Kids
We’re all too familiar with that mad rush to the school gates after searching for lost shoes, noticing that the uniform no longer fits and realising that there’s nothing in the fridge to fill those lunchboxes. Start the year as you mean to go on by getting organised a few days prior and laying out the uniforms, shopping the sales for any necessary extras and getting your stash of snacks and lunchbox friendly foods bought and ready!
Read more: Back to School Lunch Box Recipes
For you and the kids, mamas! Before they’re back at school make sure you read to and with them often –and get them to write out a mini diary of what they loved doing most over the holidays so that the shock of holding a pencil again isn’t too huge. And as for you? Read all correspondence from the school, including new timetables, after school club options and term dates – and discuss them with your kids so that you’re feeling in control.
Leaving behind all the festive excitement plus saying goodbye to family and friends who’ve visited from overseas plus swapping the comfort of home life and seeing mama all day for the classroom can make kids anxious (and us mamas too!). Make sure you’re prepared for some quality time together in the afternoons by planning fun activities that’ll give them something to look forward to.
Good luck!
Lead image by Markus Spiske via Unsplash, Image 2 by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash, Image 3 by Annabel Karmel, Image 4 from Pexels