Madeleine Shaw shares how she juggles mama life with a small baby alongside running a successful business and inspiring people to eat healthy
Familiar with British insta-sensation Madeleine Shaw? Beate Baldry chats with the lovely, glowing mama to baby Seamus (Shay), nutritional therapist, cookbook author, and yoga teacher who took social media by storm with her healthy eating philosophy, which centres around eating wholesome real food that is easy on the digestive system. Madeleine has authored three fab cookbooks, and her website is packed full of stunning-yet-simple (and healthy!) recipes. Here she shares with us how she juggles running a successful business, looking after her baby and making time to stay healthy herself – we love her down to earth advice for new mamas! Plus we have some tasty recipes from healthy lunches to desserts from Madeleine’s latest cookbook ‘A Year Of Beautiful Eating’ to share with you, too.
Congratulations on your baby Shay! How old is he?
He is 5 months old and has just sprouted his first little tooth.
What was your reaction when you first found out you were pregnant?
I was over the moon, I have always wanted to be a mother. It was so magical being pregnant and harvesting this little human inside of me.
What has been your funniest memory over the 9 months being pregnant?
One time I projectile vomited into my lunch when I was out, I had terrible morning sickness.
You are known for your delicious healthy recipes, but did you have any weird and wonderful cravings while you were pregnant?
Yes, for soft mints; anything minty and chewy I loved!
How did you maintain a healthy eating plan while pregnant? Did you struggle with anything?
Yes I always wanted CARBS. I was pretty relaxed about it and I tried to make healthier choices but I wasn’t hard on myself if I had the occasional slice of cake.
Name a mama you find inspiring and why?
My mum, I have so much respect for her. Being a mum is such hard work and she has run a business alongside having 3 kids. She’s a superstar!
How did you get back into the swing of things after having Shay?
I have an amazing nanny who looks after him 3 days a week, which gives me some time to work. It was hard at first as I wanted to be with Shay all the time but I am also so passionate about my work so it’s good to have the balance.
Any tips for mums who have just given birth and are trying to get back in shape?
Walk as much as you can, take them out in the buggy or baby carrier, wear ankle weights while you walk, have loads of chopped up crudités on hand in the fridge for snacks instead of crisps, do as much as you can, and don’t compare yourself to supermodels. You have just had a baby and your body is amazing!
Do you have any tips for working mamas? How do you balance life, kids and work?
I’m very new to this, my 3 days a week seems to be working most of the time but I also have help from my partner and family. It’s hard working in social media as it never stops so I try to set boundaries — like never be on my phone around Shay!
Are you completely sugar-free?
Not completely, I love cake 🙂 but I try to reduce it as much as possible!
Any tips on encouraging kids to eat less sugar and more healthily?
I think it’s about getting them in the kitchen and getting them involved in cooking so they get excited about food that isn’t sweet. Also giving them a varied diet so that they have a varied palate.
What are your thoughts on gluten – should we try and eat less gluten?
I think some people are sensitive to it but not everyone is. I think the key is variety with grains, mixing it up and not just having grains with lots of gluten [mainly wheat varieties, bulgar, barley, rye and oats].
I wish I had more time for…
I always feel saner after….
A shower.
Have you ever been to Asia?
I haven’t spent much time in Asia sadly. I really want to go to India!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received as a parent?
Enjoy the cuddles!
Some advice every new mum needs to know?
Don’t put pressure on yourself. There is no right way of parenting, just do what works for you!
As a mama I wish I were better at…
What are your hopes and dreams for your baby?
To be happy and confident within himself!
What’s next in the pipeline – a baby food cookbook?
Maybe… nothing planned yet but watch this space!!!
Read more:
Four Healthy Breakfast Porridge Recipes: Madeleine Shaw
Madeleine Shaw: Healthy Lunch Recipes
Madeleine Shaw: Two Healthy Desserts