Capturing those magical first few days with newborn photos is a must — the earlier, the better!
Bringing home baby is an incredible experience, but boy, is it a blur! Think about it: you’re getting to know a new mini human, changing the third nappy of the hour, trying to remember when the last milk feed was, deciphering your baby’s cry (“Was that a hunger cry or a just-because-I-can cry?”) and feeling sleep deprived… all at the same time! A mama can’t be blamed for feeling a little overwhelmed!
So, while a photo shoot may be the last thing on your mind during those first days with your darling little one, it’s important to capture the moments that have you walking around in a daze because you’ll want to remember them — dirty nappies, under eye circles and all!
Besides, a little baby is the best model since they’re usually sleeping and won’t put up a fuss when you pose them in a fluffy basket (try doing that when they’re toddlers!). Those adorable photos are why Tomato Photo recommends the best time for a newborn shoot in the first 5 to 10 days after bub is born, that’s the magic window!
Hart Tan of Tomato Photo is a pro, having won numerous awards of excellence from the Master Photography Association and various media outlets, including being recognised by Sassy Mama as one of the best family photographers in Singapore!
Hart is super patient and able to handle newborns with a calm and grace throughout the photo shoot so that parents are at ease. He’ll even arrange to do the shoot in the comfort of your home if you’re not up to traveling to his studio!
Be sure to book early, mama: Hart commits to a maximum of 10 newborn shoots per month to ensure he delivers the best photos for each family. You can also purchase gift vouchers for friends who are expecting to give them a gentle nudge to reserve their newborn shoots, too!
Tomato Photo, 62 Ubi Road 1 #10-23, Oxley Bizhub 2 408734, Tel: (+65) 8858 0088, www.tomato.sg